At some point this afternoon Rockie would have sent the address out via text, that'll lead here! It's still within Nashville but a good drive back on a gravel road, very set off on it's own and secluded. There's no power at the house so there will be a lit pathway consisting of various lights- small candles, lanterns, mason jars- all battery powered because she doesn't want to burn anything down. All very mismatched and haphazard so use your imaginations with that. There's very little driveway so everybody will be responsible for parking in the yard with some order or ubering in without getting stuck.

The house has been abandoned for awhile and though the broken glass and anything super harmful was cleaned up, it's still an abandoned house. There are more lights along most walkways and along surfaces, enough that nobody is in danger of tripping themselves or others. It was mostly left to be creepy just by being creepy, but there are a few added things, like one room completely covered in plastic with suspicious splatters. There's music through the house too, just a normal party playlist.

For anyone who wants to roam around upstairs, they can at their own risk, but there's no lighting up there and it's just a bunch of hanging bodies. People are free to spend as much time inside as they want, dancing, drinking, looking around, but behind the house is where seating areas are set up around a big projector screen. There are plenty of chairs, sleeping bags, pillows, and blankets for everybody to make themselves comfortable wherever they like. There's even a pool floatie or two. Tucker and Dale vs. Evil is set to play starting at 11:30, followed by The Frighteners and then The Cabin In The Woods for anyone left.

There's a truck backed up right to that area with a bed full of ice, bottled water, a few bottles of liquor/whiskey, and a lot of beer. 99% beer. Around 12:30 pizza's should be brought in by one really lost delivery guy. Because there's no power in the house anyone who needs a restroom will be directed towards the shed in the far right of the main picture up there, because privacy. A very lovely lady will be hanging out around that exact area all night to jump scare anyone who gets too close.

Mischief Cards! Everyone will be given their own mischief card once they get there that'll have five different so-called tasks. They're basically suggestions on how to be a jerk to those around you, so any scare tactics or butthead teasing that you can come up with, blame it on their mischief card.

Basically, they're in the middle of nowhere with a truck bed full of alcohol, so please plot your loudest and most drunk antics. Anyone who ends up passing out and sleeping on a floatie in the yard, they're 100% welcome to and that will be entirely acceptable. A few flashlights will be on hand for anyone really in need.